Campbell Insurance: Website
Get: Businesses and individuals
Who: Want a individualized approach to insurance
To: To ditch online options for a high-touch, personalized approach
By: Making Campbell Insurance more relatable and accessible

The Idea:
Campbell Insurance has been in business in Lynchburg, Virginia, for more than a century. With so many Internet options for coverage, they were in danger of becoming obsolete or considered an option only for the well-to-do only.
Lux was awarded the project of redesigning the Campbell website. The resulting site, starting with the video banners, demonstrates that Campbell Insurance is the preferred source of commercial and personal insurance for a much broader, diverse group of people. The copy and visuals throughout show the difference between a cookie cutter approach to insurance and one where you actually have an advisor who understands your risks, shops for the best insurance, and ensures you “Live Protected.” Check the website out here.