Monster MASH


Get: General public
Who: Had no idea what they are looking at 
To: Engage with art + laugh
By: Encouraging photos + playing guessing games on his name

The Idea:

A few years back, while wandering down Canyon Road, Santa Fe’s famed arts district, I came across a monster. Not just any monster. He was 11-feet tall, blue with huge red horns, and looked like he’d jumped straight out of the Maurice Sendak book, Where the Wild Things Are. On closer inspection, I discovered I couldn’t afford such a huge monster, but I could afford a smaller six-foot version.

I named him Thor, but later discovered the artist was inspired by the Picasso masterpiece Guernica. Thor’s my fellow nomad and has lived in Indiana, South Carolina and now Western North Carolina. Folks are sometimes confused by him. What is it? Many have snuck photos with him. Some suggest names—Babe the Blue Ox was the craziest one. But most of the time people just smile at him.

As they should.