Wicked Smart Pad: Blog
Get: Angel investors
Who: Have multiple investment opportunities in front of them
To: Attend a pitch event featuring Wicked Technologies + consider investing
By: Humanizing CEO Alli Truttmann + her technology that help frail seniors

The Idea:
VisionTech angel investors see upwards of 20 deals a year so there’s a lot of competition for their money. To go beyond the pitch deck and introduce the people, tech, and stories behind investment opportunities, VisionTech publishes Q&A style blogs with the CEOs of the companies selected to pitch. These are written, formatted, and published on the website and social channels as well as pushed out via email by Lux, VisionTech’s fractional marketing director for 15-plus years.
Featured here is a Q&A between Alli Truttmann, CEO and Founder of Wicked Technologies, maker of the Wicked Smart Pad, and VisionTech Executive Director Ben Pidgeon. In the blog, Alli explains how her grandmother’s suffering from moisture-related bed sores led her to create the Wicked Smart (bed) Pads with sensors that detect incontinence in real time so caregivers can respond immediately and help seniors avoid bed sores. Since this blog was published in late 2023, VisionTech has invested two rounds in Alli and Wicked Technologies to accelerate adoption of Wicked Smart Pads.
Read the VisionTech blog with Alli Truttmann of Wicked Technologies here.
Read all VisionTech blogs authored by Lux here.