Branding consultant

Feb 10

The Boomerang Effect: Why This Talented CPA Returned to BPS

I recently had the pleasure of meeting and writing a press release announcing that Monica Gaddis, an experienced certified public accountant, had joined Columbia, S.C.-based CPA firm Bauknight Pietras & Stormer. During our interview, she revealed she had previously worked for BPS some 15 years ago and had regretted leaving. When the opportunity presented itself … Continued

Feb 04

That Cool Media Pickup? Here Are Tips to Maximize Your Next Big Story

What could be better than a big media pick-up? Especially today when the story appears on television, is live streamed, available online, shareable virtually everywhere. Easy to score that kind of media hit, right? Not really. Do you know how many people pitch stories only to have it go no where? Yup, too many to … Continued

Dec 19

A Higher Calling: Notre Dame’s Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

In honor of the holiday season, I’d like to share a preview of a special series of profiles I’m writing for the Notre Dame IDEA Center. The purpose is to share the inspiring stories of alumni who have gone on to become successful entrepreneurs. As a Catholic and person of faith, I am honored by … Continued

Jun 11

Optimizing Images for Search: Are You Missing an Opportunity?

What is more interesting to you – a screen full of text or text punctuated with images? That’s a pretty easy choice for most of us. A text-only website, blog post, or other digital content is neither engaging nor memorable. In fact, research shows people are 80 percent more likely to read content that includes … Continued

Jun 08

Words of Wisdom for Startup Success

Break out the cake, the champagne, the balloons and confetti! Lux + Associates, Inc. – now Lux-Writes – is celebrating 25 years in business as a successful marketing communications, branding and public relations firm. Long before it was cool to be an entrepreneur, wear a man bun, drink lattes, and play ping pong in a … Continued

Apr 10

How to Make Rejection Work for You, Not Against You

This past Monday I had an inkling something wasn’t right with a client of mine. Recent brainstorming sessions with their sales team were tense and critical where before they were productive and fun. A number of the management team had been fired in recent months. Never a good sign. Projects that had been easy were … Continued

Mar 14

Thought Leadership: Are You Up to the Task?

 As a brand consultant, I don’t just consult on companies, products and services. I also consult with people who want help with personal branding, often with the goal of becoming a thought leader within their chosen field or on a specific issue. Here are reasons to become a thought leader: Establish and maintain relevance in … Continued

Mar 12

Are Business Calls Obsolete? Here’s What the Experts Have to Say

According to Pew Research, 95 percent of us Americans have a cell phone. Most of us couldn’t conduct business without them. I know mine is always in my pocket, on the desk, in the cup holder of my car. Ready for calls, emails, texts, or social media check-ins. I can’t run my business without my … Continued

Call, text, email or complete a form. Whatever you do, don’t wait. let’s get started